We don't know where it comes from, nor the reason to record it, but in the following videos you will watch and listen to Michael Jackson, looking absentminded and confused, confirming the existance of unreleased tracks while an unknown person asks him about every song. It seems to be recorded in 1993, according to youtube.com. The real unreleased tracks' list would be ashtonisingly long because it is said that in his last years he would have been composing (even recording) more than 100 songs as a legacy for his children. Jackson decided to give them the most valuable thing he owned.
No conocemos su procedencia, ni el motivo que le llevó a grabarlo, pero en el documento que te mostramos a continuación verás y escucharás a Michael Jackson, que parece distraido y aturdido, confirmar la existencia de temas inéditos cuando una persona no identificada le pregunta por cada título. Parece que fue rodado en 1993, según figura en youtube.com. La lista real de temas inéditos de Michael tiene que ser impresionantemente larga pues se rumorea que durante los últimos años compuso (no sabemos si también grabó) más de 100 canciones como legado para sus hijos. Jackson decidió regalar a sus hijos lo más valioso que tenía.
El grupo de Facebook This Is It - 2009, ha realizado una relación de algunas de las canciones citadas en el primer video.
She's Not A Girl- written by Michael possibly for Thriller
2.Lucy Is In Love With Linus- song written by Michael, written possibly around 1978-1980
3.Lonely Man- written by Michael before 1992
4.Goin' To Rio- written by Michael in Carole Sager Bayer in 1976 and considered for Off The Wall
5.Buffalo Bill-written around the 1983-1984 period and intended for either Victory and Bad
6.Al Capone- written for the BAD album but didn't make the cut
7.Michael McKeller- written by Michael, possibly for Bad or Dangerous
8. Thank You For Life- not allowed to guess.
9.Much Too Soon- written by Michael in 1981. Believed by fans to be an early version of "Gone Too Soon"
10.Who Do You Know
11.You Are A Liar
12.Cry-written by Michael for HIStory album. Different track from the song on Invincible
13.Make A Wish- unreleased MJ song. During the 1993 deposition, he couldn't recall if he had written it or not
14.Crack Kills-planned as a duet between Michael and Run DMC but was shelved for several reasons
15.Free- written by Michael before 1992
16.Fly Away- written by Michael in 1986/87 for the Bad album but later given for sister Rebbie for her 1998 album
17.The Children's Hour-Michael solo
18.A Baby Smiles-song Michael wrote in 1979 and included as a poem in his 1992 book, "Dancing The Dream"
19.Sister Sue- written by Michael. Date Unknown
20.Little Susie- you all know that one.
21.Little Girls-written by Michael before 1992 22.In The Valley- written by Michael 23.Red Eye- written by Michael. Date Unknown
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